*Available in English, Spanish, and French Canadian


*Subject to Change with 45-Day Notice Posted in Office


*Ask the DockMaster’s Office for Recommendations

Month-to-Month Storage Contracts:

***For all agreements, upload only the correct and current insurance that complies with Cape Marina Rules and Regulations, including Cape Marina is additionally insured with the proper limits. Save your progress!

If you wish to complete your agreement and you do not have the proper insurance at the time of signing, please save your progress, call your carrier right away to make the necessary changes. Make sure your carrier emails updated documents to you. Use the Adobe Sign Link sent to you when you saved your progress to reopen the agreement and attach the new insurance documents.***

Wetslip Storage

In/Out Storage & Service

Active Yard Storage
(D.I.Y. Yard)
Short Term Service & Storage
(Inspection Hauls, ect.)

After selecting a form, be sure to SAVE YOUR PROGRESS by clicking “Options” then “Save progress”.

*Month-to-Month Storage options may contain a minimum commitment of three billable months. Review Current Rate Sheets for Clarification.

Document Upload Form:

*Only Works with Google Chrome & Firefox Browsers – Apple Safari is known NOT to Work*

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.

Sign the Petition - Save Cape Marina: Urge Port Canaveral Commission to Support Our Common Sense Redevelopment